Saturday 18 February 2017

Fitbit Charge 2 Activity Tracker and Heart Rate Monitor Review

Fitbit Charge 2

I'm slightly shocked at how much I thought of the Fitbit. It certainly made me realise that I wasn't as much of a couch potato as I imagined

I was surprised to learn that I clocked up some astounding number of steps, nearly 12000 steps or so, which I was quite proud of. Although, I will happily admit that on some days I did feel like I should have done more as the number of steps compared to that figure were quite low and it made me feel that I should get up and go for a walk just to make myself feel that little bit healthier.

The Fitbit Charge 2 is quite striking and I love the minimalist yet functional and slightly rugged look. It doesn't feel like a big blob of technology sat on my wrist and doesn't feel out of place with my outfits.

The Fitstar Personal Trainer App

The Fitstar Personal Trainer app helps you maintain your fitness levels wherever you are. It's actually quite simple to follow with helpful videos to help you progress too. It's almost like a gentle reminder that wants to hold your hand and help you get a little healthier one step at a time.

The Fitstar app can be personalised to meet your fitness levels and match your strength and stamina levels. It allows you to adjust the routine if you're having a bad day and feel like taking it easy, or go full pelt if you have energy to burn on any given day!

A closer look at the Fitbit Charge 2

The Charge 2 has a slightly larger screen than previously, with an OLED display and the customary touchscreen technology. It's very easy to read which is definitely a big plus point. There is a button on the side that can be pressed to show your hear rate - which is quite addictive. I found myself checking my heart rate quite a few times in the day at random moments! The Fitbit Charge 2 also displays calories burnt and steps taken.

The band itself is elastomer which is like rubber (I think) and is nice and soft and not uncomfortable at all. You can also wear it to bed, and this is somewhat encouraged. Although, I feel this is quite a personal preference as to whether you would decide to wear it to bed or not. If you do, the Charge 2 will even monitor your sleeping patterns which is quite interesting.

The Fitbit Charge 2 isn't water proof which is not ideal so don't be wearing it whilst swimming or even when you are having a bubble bath! It is water resistant to some extent so it should be able to withstand a jog in the rain.

The ideal steps on any given day is the magic 10,000 number. When I exceeded it, I did feel smug and satisfied and oh-so-healthy. Although, some days I felt disappointed, and even tried to do a few more extra steps just to feel a little better. In this regard, it sort of does encourage you do that little bit extra which is sort of the point I think. You can also change the 10,000 step goal number to whatever number you like as well to make it more personal to you.

Finally, the Guided Breathing feature is quite fun. The Fitbit will track your heart rate for 30 seconds or so and then sets you a breathing challenge, and you have to see if you can do what you're being told.

Quirky Queen Verdict:

Buy Fitbit Charge 2 from Amazon

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